Sunday, January 10, 2010

113 cupcake recipe online cupcake adventure

Blogger Abbi Z. Meadows over at Z as in Zebra is taking a page from Julie Powell's Julie & Julia blogging project and making all 113 recipes in the cupcake cookbook Cupcakes Galore by Gail Wagman.

She writes:

There are 113 recipes in the entire book. Even the author admits some of the recipes do not fit the classic definition of a ‘cupcake’ (i.e. the gelatin/fruit cups that use cupcake tins as a mold), but nevertheless my goal is to complete each and every recipe in the book. Rather than give myself a time limit, I am setting my sights on 1 to 2 batches a week. At that rate, it will take me about a year or two to get through everything.

As I work my way through the book, I will be posting my creations here on the blog. I will also be tweeting on my baking days, looking for people to take my creations off my hands (I do NOT want to eat 113 batches of cupcakes and end up weighing 400 pounds!) :) To help offset expenses and buy ingredients for the next recipe, I will be charging a small fee for the cupcakes and dividing them based on need (you want 4? 8? 10?), rather than on ‘typical bakery’ numbers.

Here's a sampling of what she's made so far (click on cupcake name for the post, all photos from Z as in Zebra):

Banana split cupcakes

Cookies 'n cream cupcakes

After Eight cupcakes

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